Some of the best stories are told at the dinner table with a delicious meal and good company. Dine with the Divine is a one stop shop if you crave conversations of mythology, magic, history and culture! Once a week, Ashley and a guest honor gods, sages, saints and iconic figures through storytelling, food, and drink. In the words of a Mexican proverb, "Conversation is food for the soul." Pull up a chair and come dine with us!
Play Latest EpisodeThe Episode Where I Got to Talk to a Progressive Pastor [00:00:00] Ashley: . So hi everybody. Thank you so much for coming back for another week. [00:00:25] And I hope you're having a great week. And if you're not, I hope your week gets a lot bett…
Hey everyone! So I wanted to give you some visuals on all the fun stuff we spoke about on the pod! This is the link to the Tales and Oracle of 11 on Kickstarter! So this is the article we read about Durians.
Ashley Oppon is Shamanic Practitioner, Death Midwife and RN at Sankofa Healing Sanctuary. For 5 years she studied to become a Shamanic Practitioner and now she works healing and helping others working on their spiritual lives. She is also a Home Funeral Guide, and an advocate for Medical Aid in Dying and Green and Natural Burials. She has done extensive death training and supports individuals from advanced planning to funerals and vigils. She is a part of Sisters of the Sacred, a spiritual collective that creates sacred space for all of life's major moments. With her death work she hopes to make the dying process a safe space for grief and healing. She also hosts Dine with the Divine, a podcast focused on culture, mythology and history. You can find her gardening, crafting and working as an oncology nurse.